Research to Guide Practice in Middle Grades Education
Author: Edited by Gayle Andrews
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ISBN: 978-1-56090-250-8
Published: 1/1/2013
The most comprehensive treatment of middle grades education ever published!
This major volume provides practitioners and policymakers alike with research-supported information, new perspectives, and a sound basis for making recommendations for school improvement.
"A resource of both immediate and enduring importance that should be in the possession of every middle grades educator."
— John Lounsbury
"Like an amped vitamin shot to the academic upper arm, "Research to Guide Practice" provides impeccable research for inspired teaching and learning."
— Rick Wormeli, Author & Consultant
"This book should be on the shelf of every practicing middle level educator, school board member, journalist, and policymaker. Written by researchers with deep knowledge of the middle grades, the book describes how to make the middle grades joyful and productive for all young adolescents."
— Hayes Mizell, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Learning Forward
Research to Guide Practice includes authoritative, research-based treatments of such topics as:
- Academic excellence and diversity
- Developmental responsiveness
- Curriculum integration
- Technology
- Service-learning
- Detracking
- Social equity
- Bullying
and much more!
Featuring 31 chapters, 832 pages and more than 45 contributing authors including:
- John Lounsbury
- Carol Ann Tomlinson
- Nancy Lesko
- Arthur (Andy) Horne
- J. Howard Johnston
- Ron Williamson
- Kenneth McEwin
- Nancy Doda
- Donna Alvermann
- Mark Springer
- Kevin Welner
- Margaret McLaughlin