Cave Spring Middle School

Schools of Distinction Profile

Cave Spring Middle School was recognized in 2024 as an AMLE School of Distinction. One of the goals of the program is to foster a network of schools that share promising practices positively impacting young adolescents. The below profile provides highlights a few of Cave Spring Middle School's exemplary practices aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools.

Connect with Cave Spring Leadership Team

Demographic Information

Location: Roanoke, Virginia
School Setting: Suburban
Grade Configuration: 6-8
School Enrollment: 750


Fiona Hill, Principal
Josh Noell, Assistant Principal
Stacey Galle, Assistant Principal

Key Practices

  • Equitable Learning Opportunities
  • Purpose Driven Scheduling
  • Student and Staff Leadership Structures
  • Supportive Learning Environment for Staff and Students

Highlights of Exemplary Practices Aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools

Characteristic #2: The School Environment is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming for all.

A positive culture is an essential ingredient to student success at Cave Spring Middle School. Every student who enters CSMS has a welcoming support system in place that includes classroom teachers, administrators, counselors, and support staff. To promote a smooth transition from elementary to middle school, we begin the transition process during our students’ fifth grade year. During the fall season, rising 6th grade students are invited to attend the annual CSMS Expo (An Evening to Showcase life at CSMS). At this event, families of students in grades five through eight may tour the building, (cheerleaders are stationed throughout the building to provide assistance with directions), attend grade-specific transition/registration meetings, visit classrooms and chat with teachers, attend band and choir performances, view our art show and science fair displays, meet coaches and club sponsors, visit our book fair, and purchase spirit wear, etc.

During the spring season, rising 6th grade students return to CSMS during the school day with their teachers and classmates. During this visit, students are welcomed by CSMS administrators, counselors, and support staff; students attend a brief presentation, provided by our counselors, that outlines a typical day in the life of a 6th grade CSMS student. Student leaders then provide students with tours of the building. Finally, before the school year begins students return once more to participate in 6th Grade Orientation where over the course of two hours students receive their class schedules and run through a mock school day.

Characteristic #8: Educators are specifically prepared to teach young adolescents and possess a depth of understanding in the content areas they teach.

CSMS is comprised of staff members who have demonstrated commitment to their area of content, with over 50% of staff members having advanced degrees. Teachers have a thorough understanding of their curriculum and share their knowledge and expertise with colleagues during faculty meetings, department meetings, and the CSMS annual professional development Share Fair.

Master educators serve as mentors to first and second-year teachers through the CSMS Squires’ Leadership Academy. The Academy is designed to help beginning educators make a successful transition into teaching by relying on the expertise of veteran educators to provide clinical, real-world training. While it is the responsibility of all professional staff to assist new personnel, we have implemented a formal plan of support that includes scheduled professional development sessions, multiple opportunities to observe master teachers during the school day, and individualized assistance and support from in-school mentors and retired master teachers.

Characteristic #13: A shared vision developed by all stakeholders guides every decision.

Cave Spring Middle School is extremely fortunate to have a significant number of students and staff members who are willing to assume leadership roles within the building to effect change and promote student/staff success. Teachers serve as Department Chairs, Committee Members, Mentors, and Club Sponsors. Our students serve on committees, lead clubs, mentor new students, and collaborate with staff members to implement school-wide initiatives.

Input from student and staff leaders plays a significant role in shaping CSMS's collaborative leadership and organizational style. Student leaders at CSMS participate in Squires’ Voice, a student focus group. Squires’ Voice members meet with staff leaders to discuss and provide feedback related to school-wide initiatives and improvement efforts.

Student leaders also serve on the CSMS Student Advisory Council. Nominated by staff members, and elected by the student body, SAC members serve as advocates on behalf of the school. SAC representatives meet with the school principal on a monthly basis to discuss and provide feedback related to school-based initiatives, policies, and procedures. SAC representatives work cooperatively with students, school administrators, Central Office staff members and the School Board, to improve the educational environment in all Roanoke County Public Schools.

Hearing and responding to faculty and staff voice is imperative to the development of an inclusive, responsive, and well-structured working environment. Cave Spring Middle School solicits staff voice in multiple ways in order to review upcoming initiatives and discuss school-wide needs/processes/procedures, etc., (monthly faculty meetings, grade-level meetings, department meetings, leadership team meetings).

Characteristic #18: Organizational structures foster purposeful learning and meaningful relationships.

A master schedule that is intentional and purposeful in the use of staff.

The master schedule strives to allow each staff member to operate from a position of strength to the maximum extent possible. Staff have the opportunity to submit their preferences; administrators and department chairs collaborate on staff assignments, and input is gathered across the administrative team and support personnel for class roster creation. In addition, implementation of common planning time across each grade level allows teachers the ability to collaborate and plan together.

A master schedule that creates and allows for predictable routines and structures.

At the heart of the master schedule are the content courses that are offered to our students. The schedule is designed to allow students to experience levels of success/challenge throughout their middle school career. Within the elective areas, students have the opportunity to explore a variety of interest areas to discover/connect with career pathways.

The master schedule desires to create safe and predictable routines related to how students transition and move about the building, as well as building time to connect with staff and peers through advisory/clubs. The implementation of Advisory Club Day was another opportunity to hear and incorporate staff and student voices. Students had the opportunity to select their choice of club, and staff members had the opportunity to propose the Clubs they wished to lead, based upon their personal hobbies, preferences, and interests. This process provided staff members and students with the opportunity to work together, share common interests, and build relationships, thus strengthening our school culture.

Empowering & Equitable:

While CSMS strives to ensure that all students in grades six through eight have the opportunity to participate in school sports and extra-curricular activities, some students may not have available transportation to participate in before/after school events. To ensure equity of access, Club Day is implemented, once a month, as part of our Advisory Program. Students select their preference from a wide range of clubs such as: Basketball, Board Games, Chess, Garden Gurus, Hour of Code, Knitting, Mindfulness Coloring, Music & Culture, Origami, Premier League, and Sports Stats, etc., etc. CSMS intentionally offers clubs that cater to a variety of interests, while highlighting the hobbies and expertise of staff members.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of learning opportunities to foster academic success. English, Math, Science, and Social Studies Before/After-School Remediation/Tutoring is provided daily; however, during the school day, we also provide students with in-class individualized remediation opportunities from Algebra Readiness and English remediation tutors. These individuals work one-on-one and with small groups of students who need additional assistance with specific skills/content.

At CSMS, we strive to ensure that no student ever goes hungry. After the first block of the day, every student has the opportunity to receive a “Second Chance Breakfast.” The purpose of this initiative is to ensure that students who arrive late to school, or prefer a later breakfast, have the opportunity to eat a nutritious meal. We also have a variety of healthy snacks on each grade level hall and in our counseling suite and nurse’s office readily available to be distributed to students, as needed.