Highlights of Exemplary Practices Aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools
#1 RESPONSIVE - Using the distinctive nature and identities of young adolescents as the foundation upon which all decisions about school are made.
As an intermediate school serving 10-12-year-olds in 5th and 6th grade, McCulloch Intermediate School is organized in its schedule, programming, curriculum, and professional development to be responsive to the unique needs of early adolescents educationally and developmentally. Through a schedule that transitions students from elementary self-contained classrooms to houses with core curriculum teachers, McCulloch responds to adolescent students’ developmental needs. The curriculum also includes exploratory fine arts options allowing students to develop creative interests. The campus advisory program provides an opportunity for students to connect with an adult advocate and meet in small groups.
#2 CHALLENGING - Cultivating high expectations and advancing learning for every member of the school community.
McCulloch maintains high expectations for achievement and growth for every student. Our ambitious performance goals annually are for students to achieve the highest Masters performance level on the state assessment and to meet college readiness benchmarks on the MAP national assessment. We monitor growth targets for each student on state and national assessments. All our academic classes are heterogeneously grouped, with specialized services provided in inclusive settings, to maintain high expectations for all students and targeted instruction through differentiation for each student.
#3 EQUITABLE - Providing socially just learning opportunities and environments for every student.
Our goal is for each student to feel safe, welcomed, valued, and included, and this happens at the individual student level, ensuring that each student is respected and affirmed, regardless of background or achievement. We introduce our students to diverse environments and opportunities through ongoing initiatives throughout the year: Project Lit library book clubs, One World Many Stories weekly reading, Inclusive Schools Week, Best Buddies, peer tutoring, To Be Like Me field trips, bridging processes and activities, and other activities. These activities contribute to an environment where everyone is accepted and valued.