Dorseyville Middle School

Schools of Distinction Profile

Dorseyville Middle School was recognized in 2024 as an AMLE School of Distinction. One of the goals of the program is to foster a network of schools that share promising practices positively impacting young adolescents. The below profile provides highlights a few of Dorseyville Middle School’s exemplary practices aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools.

Connect with Dorseyville Leadership Team

Demographic Information

Location: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
School Setting: Suburban
Grade Configuration: 6-8
School Enrollment: 965


Dr. Laura Miller, Program Principal
Mr. Jonathan Nauhaus, Lead Principal

Key Practices

  • Teachers foster strong relationships with students, understanding and adapting to individual adolescent needs to help each student excel.
  • Extensive exploratory options and initiatives like Exploratory Time and Afternoon of Service projects allow students to pursue interests and engage meaningfully with their community.
  • One to one iPad program with helpDesk available for students and staff.
  • Comprehensive programs and flexible learning opportunities ensure all students' needs are met, regardless of socioeconomic background or learning differences.
  • Teachers employ diverse, hands-on activities to make learning fun and relevant across all subject areas.
  • Administration actively seeks input from teachers and students to refine practices and strengthen interdisciplinary learning.

Highlights of Exemplary Practices Aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools

Characteristic #2 - The school environment is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming for all.

Dorseyville Middle School (DMS) exemplifies a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment for all. The school staff take pride in greeting students daily, fostering a warm atmosphere that makes students feel valued and cared for. This culture of respect extends beyond student-teacher interactions to encompass student-to-student relationships as well. DMS goes above and beyond to ensure inclusivity, providing resources like the "Caring Closet" with new clothing items, demonstrating sensitivity to students' needs and comfort. The school's commitment to inclusivity is further evident in its provision of translators and support services to accommodate diverse student populations. DMS balances academics with social-emotional needs through initiatives like the homebase program, which offers opportunities for small group discussions on common issues. The school environment reflects and celebrates the variety of student cultures and identities, creating a space where every student feels represented and affirmed. This comprehensive approach to creating a welcoming environment extends to families as well, with DMS actively engaging parents and guardians as valued partners.

Characteristic #5 - Comprehensive counseling and support services meet the needs of young adolescents.

Dorseyville Middle School offers comprehensive counseling and support services tailored to meet the diverse needs of young adolescents. The school's commitment to student well-being is evident in its multifaceted approach to support. DMS employs three dedicated counselors who loop with their respective grade levels, ensuring continuity and personalized attention throughout a student's middle school journey. These counselors are actively involved in various aspects of student life, including homebase lessons, team meetings, and crucial support programs like the Student Assistance Program (SAP) and Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII).

The SAP program at DMS is particularly noteworthy, offering voluntary and confidential assistance to students and families facing challenges such as substance abuse, mental health issues, or behavioral concerns. This cost-free program facilitates referrals to community-based services, effectively removing barriers to learning. The RtII program further exemplifies DMS's commitment to individualized support, featuring a dedicated staff member in the resource room who collaborates with classroom teachers to provide personalized assistance across various academic pursuits.

DMS also recognizes the importance of mental health support, providing access to mental health services and offering resources to help families find additional support both within and outside the school. The school's holistic approach extends to addressing the needs of students who have experienced trauma, demonstrating a deep understanding of the complex challenges facing young adolescents. Moreover, DMS has implemented seamless transition practices for students entering and exiting middle school, with counselors playing a key role in these processes.

Characteristic #8 - Educators are specifically prepared to teach young adolescents and possess a depth of understanding in the content areas they teach.

Dorseyville Middle School exemplifies a commitment to having educators who are specifically prepared to teach young adolescents and possess a deep understanding of their content areas. The school's teachers are regarded as content area experts with a depth of knowledge in young adolescent development and specific preparation for working with this age group. This specialization ensures that educators at DMS are uniquely equipped to address the complex needs and interests of middle school students.

The staff at DMS demonstrate a strong foundation in both their subject matter expertise and their understanding of adolescent development. This dual expertise allows them to create learning experiences that are not only academically rigorous but also developmentally appropriate.

DMS educators consistently examine curricular and instructional materials to identify what may be missing or misrepresented, demonstrating a commitment to providing a comprehensive and balanced education. They skillfully address the personal and cultural experiences of students in developing learning activities, making the curriculum relevant and engaging for young adolescents.

This specialized preparation enables DMS teachers to develop learning tasks that are perceived as achievable yet challenging, reflecting high expectations for each student. Their deep understanding of both content and adolescent development allows them to create interdisciplinary units, support students' understanding of civic responsibilities, and provide opportunities for active citizenship within the school and broader community.

Characteristic #11 - Instruction fosters learning that is active, purposeful, and democratic.

Dorseyville Middle School excels in fostering instruction that is active, purposeful, and democratic. Teachers skillfully integrate digital tools and diverse instructional materials to enhance learning experiences. Classrooms are organized to facilitate active learning, featuring spaces for small group work and student displays.

Instruction is highly purposeful, with teachers consistently engaging each student in meaningful activities. The school promotes democratic learning through various strategies, including heterogeneous grouping and involving students as partners in their own learning. The curriculum incorporates both teacher goals and student questions, fostering ownership in learning.

Characteristic #15 - Leaders are committed to and knowledgeable about young adolescents, equitable practices, and educational research.

DMS emphasizes real-world connections through service learning and project-based activities. Teachers maintain engagement by frequently changing activities and encouraging peer-to-peer learning. This dynamic approach creates an engaging learning environment that prepares students for active participation in an increasingly complex world.

Dorseyville Middle School's leadership team demonstrates strong commitment to and knowledge of young adolescents, equitable practices, and educational research. Leaders are deeply committed to fostering the growth and development of young adolescents, with a profound understanding of their unique needs. They consistently apply their expertise in adolescent development to inform school policies and practices.

The leadership team actively uses current middle level education research and best practices as the foundation for all decision-making. This research-informed approach ensures continuous improvement of educational programs. Additionally, DMS leaders are dedicated to equity and inclusion, using data to critically reflect on and refine policies. Their leadership style, grounded in adolescent development knowledge and research-based practices, creates an environment that effectively supports the academic, social, and emotional growth of middle school students.