Designed by Nathan Maynard, co-author of Hacking School Discipline
Are you ready to take a deep dive into social emotional learning and restorative practices? In this self-paced online course, you will learn how to amplify best-practices while earning 3 contact hours and taking away tangible tools you can employ in your school and classroom today.
Who should take this course?
Any individual or team working directly with young adolescent students (aged 10-15). This includes cohorts of teachers, counselors, grade-level teams, and school leadership teams.
What’s included?
The course walks the learner through three self-paced modules, and finishes up with a post-assessment and take-away resources. By the end of the course, the learner should:
- Have a deeper understanding of the importance of addressing social and emotional needs of students, and the value of restorative practices.
- Understand how to create a foundation for social and emotional growth in their classroom.
- Be equipped with strategies to build meaningful relationships with students.
Module 1: SEL is More than a Curriculum
This module will cover:
- Overview of what we mean by “social-emotional learning”
- Objectives of focusing on SEL
- Review of CASEL’s SEL competencies
- Alignment/Relevance/Integration self-reflection
- Grade level activities to start learning
Module 2: Fostering a Foundation of SEL Growth
This module will cover:
- Creating belonging through Maslow’s principals
- Three strategies to building relationships
- Focusing on building emotional intelligence
- Self-awareness starting with empathy
Module 3: Checking In
This module will cover:
- Importance of checking in
- Structure for self check ins, one-on-one check ins, and group check ins
- Overview of beginning and moderate levels of practice with restorative community circles
- How to shift to remote restorative circles
- How to expect the unexpected
Conclusion and Resources
This toolkit includes:
- 101 Circle prompts to get you started with restorative circles
- A classroom poster for circle commitments/expectations
- Classroom SEL activity ideas
- Additional research, articles, and recommended reading
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