Career Exploration in the Middle Grades: A Playbook for Educators
Author: Ashley Hemmy, Avery Newton, and Stephanie Simpson
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ISBN: 978-1-73744-430-5
Published: 7/1/2021
ASA and AMLE have teamed up to create a playbook to equip educators with a roadmap for creating effective career exploration programming in the middle grades. With helpful resources like implementation guides, case studies, and program sustain-ability resources, this playbook offers students an opportunity to recognize their strengths and interests and gain awareness of different career pathways. The playbook has a role for every-one on the middle school team: administrators, counselors, and teachers can all enact purposeful, engaging career exploration. Together, educators can provide opportunities for students to dream about their futures and imagine the possibilities.
Print copies can be ordered for $9.99 or you can download the PDF version of the Playbook for free in the AMLE/ASA Career Exploration Resource Center.