Crayton Middle School

Schools of Distinction Profile

Crayton Middle School was recognized in 2024 as an AMLE School of Distinction. One of the goals of the program is to foster a network of schools that share promising practices positively impacting young adolescents. The below profile provides highlights a few of Crayton Middle School’s exemplary practices aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools.

Connect with Crayton Leadership Team

Demographic Information

Location: Columbia, South Carolina
School Setting: Urban
Grade Configuration: 6-8
School Enrollment: 923


Angela Burns - Principal
Amanda Arflin- Assistant Principal
Brian Blease - Assistant Principal
Dr. Prince Brewington - Assistant Principal
Kendrick Cleckley - Assistant Principal
Cathleen Lacey - Curriculum Resource Teacher

Key Practices

  • Rotating Bell Schedule
  • Cav Time - Advisory and RTI
  • Unified PE class
  • Inclusive Culture
  • Weekly Professional Development
  • Data Based Decision Making
  • High School Credit Classes for All Students
  • Common Planning/Common Assessment
  • ESOL Student Training on Accessibility Tools

Highlights of Exemplary Practices Aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools

Characteristic # 3 The school environment is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming for all.

At Crayton Middle School, every student's academic and personal growth is carefully nurtured through a multifaceted approach guided by dedicated adult advocates. From engaging activities like Field Day, Halloween dress-up, and Holiday Spirit week, to incentives such as popcorn, snow cones, and cotton candy, students are encouraged to participate actively in school life. Dances, clubs, and classroom activities foster friendships and relationships, while classroom rules are collaboratively formed by students themselves, empowering them with a sense of ownership. Our school is committed to fostering a safe and inclusive environment, with initiatives like STOP IT and Linewize hitting key words that students type on their computers to alert us to their need for assistance. Our SOS serves as a form for students to ask for help directly. Every student at our school has an adult advocate, ensuring that their needs are heard and addressed effectively. We intentionally schedule socialization time into our school day, recognizing its importance for student development. We prioritize diversity, with our faculty reflecting the rich tapestry of our student body. Our proactive approach extends to supporting transgender students and their families. Through the active involvement of our Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), we ensure that no student is left behind, offering assistance through gift cards and food programs. From sharing breakfast leftovers with those in need to partnering with faith-based organizations for weekend food support, Crayton Middle School is dedicated to the holistic well-being of every student.

Characteristic #9 Curriculum is challenging, exploratory, integrative, and diverse.

At Crayton Middle School, our commitment to a rigorous and diverse curriculum ensures that every student, regardless of their academic level, has access to challenging and enriching learning experiences. Embedded within our culture is a dedication to advancing learning for all stakeholders. Through collaborative planning in weekly Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), administrators, educators, and district consultants utilize interim assessments, predictive assessments, and CFAs to shape academic strategies and ensure tailored instruction. Teachers employ a range of innovative approaches, including technology integration, flexible grouping, social-emotional learning brain breaks, and interactive notetaking, to personalize learning experiences. Our Drive to 75 initiative underscores our emphasis on research-based formative assessments, empowering students to actively engage in their learning journey and monitor their progress. Embracing visible learning, we provide skill-aligned rubrics and co-constructed success criteria to guide student development, ensuring that our focus on student growth remains at the forefront of learning intentions. Additionally, Crayton offers multiple Carnegie credit courses for both core content and related arts, providing opportunities for both advanced placement students and grade-level students to excel. From jazz band to theater, from guitar to Unified PE/Health classes, our diverse elective offerings cater to varied interests, fostering a well-rounded educational experience for all students.

Characteristic #17 Professional Learning for all staff is relevant, long-term, and job embedded.

Crayton's approach to Professional Learning (PL) embodies a respect for educators and a commitment to fostering an inclusive, supportive, and student-centered environment. By adopting a teacher-led, teacher-driven model, we ensure that our PL initiatives are deeply relevant, long-term, and job-embedded. Our PL framework is built on the understanding that adult learning differs fundamentally from children. We prioritize discovery-based learning that empowers teachers to construct their own understanding through collaboration, reflecting the value we place on educators' professional growth and their ability to inspire young adolescents. This approach is evident in our diverse offerings for this year including microlearning, book study, micro-credentials, and specialized workshops on technology and inclusive teaching practices. Crayton's professional learning initiatives focus on driving student success. By focusing on research-driven best practices and empowering teachers with the tools to believe in and unlock their students' potential, we address the critical factors influencing young adolescent success. Our comprehensive PL roadmap includes targeted support for every educator, from tech tutorials to co-planning sessions, all designed to foster innovative instruction and active, purposeful learning. Our commitment to equitable and unbiased practices is evident in our PL structure. We offer personalized coaching and support, recognizing and celebrating educators' efforts publicly, thereby nurturing a culture of continuous improvement and shared success. Through tailored, collaborative approaches to professional learning, Crayton is dedicated to advancing the achievement of all stakeholders, ensuring our school remains a vibrant, nurturing, and inclusive community for all.

Characteristic #18 Policies and practices are student-centered, unbiased, and fairly implemented.

Our policies and practices at Crayton School are deeply rooted in our commitment to student-centeredness, impartiality, and equitable implementation. Embracing the richness of our student diversity, we continually reinforce our dedication to inclusivity. Our diverse staff and administrative team bring a wealth of experiences to the table, ensuring a well-rounded perspective in all decision-making processes. Each year, we engage in collaborative dialogues involving faculty, staff, and stakeholders to evaluate our practices and adapt to evolving developmental needs. For instance, we actively seek opportunities to integrate academically gifted students into advanced programs and provide alternative pathways, such as high school credit courses, for those not enrolled in advanced placement programs. Furthermore, we supplement our academic offerings with a diverse array of extracurricular activities, catering to varied interests from dance to financial literacy and app development. At the heart of our educational philosophy lies the cultivation of self-advocacy among our students. At Crayton, students are empowered to articulate their needs, leading to successful advocacy for placement adjustments and transitioning out of special education courses. Addressing the unique needs of students, including LGBTQ+ individuals, involves collaborative discussions with families to develop personalized plans with accommodations and support services as needed. Our designation as a Unified Champion School underscores our commitment to fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity. Professional development remains a cornerstone of our approach, with a focus on Visible Learning methodologies to enhance teaching practices. Additionally, we prioritize training in Microsoft Accessibility tools and access to platforms like Newsela to cater to varying reading levels. Moreover, Multilingual Learners are paired with peers and teachers to ensure a conducive learning environment.