Readington Middle School

Schools of Distinction Profile

Readington Middle School was recognized in 2024 as an AMLE School of Distinction. One of the goals of the program is to foster a network of schools that share promising practices positively impacting young adolescents. The below profile provides highlights a few of Readington Middle School's exemplary practices aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools.

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Demographic Information

Location: Whitehouse Station, New Jersey
School Setting: Suburban
Grade Configuration: 6-8
School Enrollment: 450


Timothy Charleston, Principal
Jennifer Mooney, Assistant Principal

Key Practices

  • Joy and Purpose for students and staff
  • Highly trained and professional staff attune to the needs of adolescents
  • Fully integrated Social-Emotional Learning program
  • Valuable Vikings: Student and Staff Recognition Program
  • Viking Visionaries Service Learning 8th Grade Capstone
  • Dedicated time each week for staff to meet in grade level and departmental teams
  • Daily Recess and Flex Time
  • Robust Encore (Related Arts) selection
  • Small Group Instruction
  • Homegrown Therapy Dog Program
  • Over 20 student clubs and 3 full seasons of athletics
  • Award Winning and national recognized Music Program
  • Student Leadership opportunities

Highlights of Exemplary Practices Aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools

Characteristic #2: The school environment is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming for all.

Readington Middle School is a school that is large enough to accommodate so many different types of programs and supports, but small enough to get to know each individual adolescent. At the start of the school year, our staff calls each individual student to connect with them and to ensure that each child is known in our school. We partner with families to bring them into the conversation about their child’s education and development to provide a strong home/school connection. Our teachers, staff, and administration connect with students throughout the year to see our students not only as students, but as young adolescents as well.

Our Mission is woven throughout the fabric of the school and permeates the halls, our classrooms, and our programs.

At Readington Middle School, all students are asked to:
Take care of yourself
Take care of each other, and
Take care of our school.

At RMS, we provide a supportive, nurturing environment in which emerging adolescents will realize their greatest potential. To that end we are dedicated to preparing students for the future by ensuring a quality education in a learning community that supports and respects both the diversity and the human dignity of all. We are committed to the creation of a learning environment which fosters academic and social/emotional development and shared decision making, thus enabling students to be self-directed, life-long learners who will be responsible, contributing members of society.

Characteristic #5: Comprehensive counseling and support services meet the needs of young adolescents.

To help our students succeed, our counseling department at Readington Middle School is made up of dedicated school counselors that are focused on assisting students and their families. Our counselors loop with students in all three grades so they can help guide them through the complexities that are unique to middle school. If a student needs help, our counselors are often the first place people turn to for help. The counseling team, alongside administration, works to transition the students to RMS from their intermediate schools through dedicated programming, including a student-led tour of the middle school, parent workshops, and virtual Q/A sessions. Our counselors meet with their grade level teams during common planning time to review student progress, concerns, and potential opportunities for students. They schedule meetings with students, both individually and in small groups, to meet the needs of our adolescents. Readington Middle School complements our counselors with a Tier 3 Behavioral Health Counselor, who is a licensed professional counselor, who provides dedicated counseling to those students who most need it. Finally, we have a homegrown therapy dog program. Our therapy dog, Korra, comes to the school twice a week to meet students in the classroom, to help with conflict resolution, and to provide students with a positive paw when they need it most.

Characteristic #8: Educators are specifically prepared to teach young adolescents and possess a depth of understanding in the content areas they teach.

At Readington Middle School, we believe in educating the whole child. We know that students at this age are undergoing rapid physical, emotional, social, and cognitive changes. Educational decisions should address all aspects of their development, promoting whole child growth. We promote a solid framework for Social and Emotional Support. We create unique and inclusive school environments that help students with self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. To do that, our teachers create inquiry based learning opportunities for students to engage in. All of our resources and curriculum drive home the concept of student-centered learning. Our students take part in inquiry based learning and projects that have them connect real world problems to their learning. This includes our 8th grade capstone projects and multiple community service projects. We bring in hands-on learning activities and collaborative projects to enhance student engagement and foster a deeper understanding of concepts. We ensure our educators are trained and equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to work effectively with young adolescents. Offer professional development opportunities that focus on adolescent development, teaching strategies, and effective communication.

Characteristic #10 Health, wellness, and social-emotional competence are supported in curricula, school-wide programs, and related policies.

We recognize at RMS that the needs of adolescents goes beyond just academics, but also connects to the social and emotional growth of our students. We believe in a fully integrated approach to our SEL programs, curricula and related policies. Our approach is centered on developing these competences through proactive measures, clear expectations, and consistent reinforcement. At RMS, all students are asked to: Take care of yourself, take care of each other, and take care of this school. We have designed an SEL program that aims to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for all students. Our program consists of a homegrown SEL curriculum and SEL building team. This curriculum sets forth monthly themes, which are connected to the CASEL framework, and weekly affirmations that the students are to work on, which are connected to the themes. We have monthly whole grade and small group team meetings in which students actively work on these themes in a collaborative, team building approach. Teaches work with students in an advisory capacity during this team. We also have a fully realized student recognition program which includes Valuable Vikings, Students of the Week, and Students of the Month.

Characteristic #17: Professional learning for all staff is relevant, long term, and job embedded.

Teachers are provided common planning time. This time allows teachers of the same grade level to meet and discuss student concerns, interdisciplinary units of study or grade level events/activities. Content area teachers at each grade level utilize this time to plan curriculum and instruction. Twice a month administrators attend these grade level CPTs.

Teacher Academies are professional development courses offered three times during the school year. They are taught by teachers and other staff members. The course topics range from instructional strategies, technology, book studies and staff wellness. SEL, trauma informed instruction and DEI courses are also available. Staff register for as many courses as they would like. These teacher academies are in addition to the multiple professional development days built into the school year.

New teachers to the profession and the district participate in a Mentor/Buddy Program. The program pairs new teachers with veteran teachers. The pair meet throughout the school year to discuss instructional strategies, lesson planning and implementation. Time is given for observations allowing for feedback on planning and instruction. Additionally there is an instructional coach dedicated to the middle school who provides support to all staff and has monthly goals for the newer hires.

Faculty Meetings held monthly, provide Administration time to celebrate accomplishments, discuss school-wide concerns, upcoming events, and hold staff team building activities. Additionally teachers have monthly department meetings where curriculum is reviewed and instructional strategies are discussed.