Beach Street Middle School

Schools of Distinction Profile

Beach Street Middle School was recognized in 2024 as an AMLE School of Distinction. One of the goals of the program is to foster a network of schools that share promising practices positively impacting young adolescents. The below profile provides highlights a few of Beach Street Middle School’s exemplary practices aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools.

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Demographic Information

Location: West Islip, New York
School Setting: Suburban
Grade Configuration: 6-8
School Enrollment: 372


Andrew O’Farrell, Principal, Beach Street Middle School 2009-2024
Anthony Bridgeman, Principal, Beach Street Middle School 2024- Current
Donna Flynn, Assistant Principal, Beach Street Middle School 2018-2021; 2023- current

Key Practices

  • Social-emotional initiatives
  • Project Based Learning to promote student agency and choice
  • Robust extracurricular activities and clubs
  • Cross-curricular technology integration
  • Restorative practices utilized to build strong relationships and support a positive school culture
  • Decisions include all stakeholders

Highlights of Exemplary Practices Aligned with the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools

The school environment is welcoming, inclusive, and affirming for all.

At Beach Street Middle School, we prioritize student leadership through opportunities like student council, peer mentoring, and leadership clubs, where students engage in decision-making processes and lead initiatives such as community service projects and awareness campaigns. During events like P.S. I Love You Day, students host workshops for their peers. We value student voice and choice, incorporating feedback into curriculum design, activities, and policies through surveys. Project-based learning empowers students to explore topics, conduct research, and collaborate with peers, fostering ownership of their learning. Our Advisory activities, including Penny Wars and community service drives, provide opportunities for students to contribute to the community. Clubs like Diversity and Acceptance and Helping Hands facilitate school-wide events and charity initiatives, promoting inclusivity and social responsibility.

At Beach Street Middle School, our Library Media Center offers diverse learning experiences and is a hub for creativity and relationship-building. Technology integration is a cornerstone of our educational approach, facilitated by our dedicated Technology Integration Specialist. We leverage digital platforms, educational apps, and student 1-1 Chromebooks to create dynamic learning environments. Differentiated instruction accommodates individual preferences with flexible seating options and choice-based activities. Our robust extracurricular offerings cater to diverse student interests and talents, promoting skill development and relationship-building beyond the classroom. Co-curricular supports include CTE courses, music programs, and physical education emphasizing teamwork and adventure activities.

School safety is addressed proactively, justly, and thoughtfully.

At Beach Street Middle School, our approach to discipline emphasizes a restorative mindset and counseling interventions to create a nurturing environment where students can learn and grow. Restorative practices are key, focusing on understanding the impact of actions and fostering accountability involving students, teachers, and parents. These practices promote empathy, communication, and trust. Our school places a strong emphasis on counseling to address underlying issues contributing to behavior problems. Addressing root causes helps students develop crucial skills and make positive choices.

To reduce suspension rates, we employ proactive strategies such as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), defining clear expectations and rewarding positive behavior. Conflict resolution and peer mediation empower students to resolve conflicts peacefully, fostering communication and problem-solving skills. Restorative conferences address conflicts constructively, promoting understanding and accountability. Through these programs and strategies, Beach Street Middle School aims to cultivate a positive, inclusive environment where all students feel valued, supported, and empowered to succeed.

Health, wellness, and social-emotional competence are supported in curricula, school-wide programs, and related policies.

Our school is dedicated to promoting social-emotional learning, mental health awareness, and positive peer relationships through a variety of innovative programs and initiatives. Counselors regularly push into classrooms to address crucial topics such as social media use, bullying, and conflict resolution, while restorative practices are used to build community and enhance communication. We offer comprehensive counseling services, mentorship programs, and support groups to assist students facing social or emotional challenges. To cater to diverse needs, we've established dedicated spaces like the "Zen Den" and a sensory room, providing calming environments for relaxation and sensory experiences.

Within our classrooms, counseling components are integrated to address emotional and social aspects of learning. Educators collaborate with trained counselors to implement strategies that foster resilience, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills, exemplified by our annual Health and Wellness Day. Additionally, we actively seek partnerships with external mental health programs, bringing in specialized workshops and resources to complement our curriculum. These partnerships provide students with essential tools and knowledge to prioritize their mental health. Our holistic approach ensures that every student receives the support they need to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.

Curriculum is challenging, exploratory, integrative, and diverse.

At Beach Street Middle School, our curriculum is robust, aligning with state standards and offering honors and accelerated courses for all students. Our accelerated math & science program allows students to earn high school credit and pursue advanced classes, while world language courses also provide high school credit. The Middle School Capstone Project offers a meaningful civic experience and credits towards the NYS Seal of Civic Readiness. Elective courses like Science Research, Coding, and Model UN expose students to career pathways through hands-on, project-based learning. We prioritize inquiry-based learning, problem-solving, and critical thinking across all subjects. High expectations are set for academic and behavioral performance, fostering continuous improvement and celebrating achievements through various programs and showcases. Differentiated instruction caters to diverse needs and learning styles, with technology resources enhancing learning experiences. Student engagement is promoted through hands-on activities, real-world applications, and extracurricular opportunities, including clubs and competitions. Assessment strategies include formative assessments, performance tasks, and projects, with timely feedback guiding student growth. Data-driven decision-making ensures instructional strategies meet student needs effectively. Visit our club site for more extracurricular information.

A shared vision developed by all stakeholders guides every decision.

At Beach Street Middle School, leadership is guided by a shared vision and goals developed collaboratively with stakeholders, ensuring alignment with district priorities. We regularly communicate this vision transparently to promote buy-in and commitment from all stakeholders. We believe in distributed leadership, empowering teacher leaders and teams to take on decision-making roles through initiatives like Wellness Day and Student Ed Camp. Teachers are provided with autonomy and resources to foster a sense of ownership. Professional development opportunities and coaching are offered to develop leadership skills at all levels, fostering a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility. Effective structures and processes are established for decision-making, communication, and collaboration within our school community. Regular meetings and committees provide opportunities for dialogue and input. Our organizational structures are flexible and responsive to changing needs, allowing for adaptation and innovation. Creating a safe and supportive environment is paramount at Beach Street. Initiatives like Start with Hello and a Growth Mindset promote emotional well-being and social-emotional learning. Policies and procedures ensure physical safety, while resources and support services address diverse student needs. We foster a professional learning community characterized by trust, respect, and shared accountability for student success. Collaborative opportunities such as grade-level meetings and interdisciplinary planning sessions promote continuous improvement and reflection. Data-informed decision-making drives our processes, with various data sources utilized to monitor progress and inform instructional practices. Staff members receive training and support to effectively interpret data and evaluate the effectiveness of school initiatives. Through collaborative leadership, a safe and supportive environment, and data-driven practices, we strive to cultivate a culture of excellence and continuous improvement at Beach Street Middle School.