09/05 | Early Career Educators | Taking advantage of pre-service opportunities through diverse experiences. | Costello, Taylor | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | The Power of Picture Books in the Middle School Classroom | Cianci, Mary-Grace | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Teacher Leader | Collaboratively Designing Action Research to Serve All Students | Pan, Alia | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Educate, Empower, Engage | Rafach, Michelle | |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Empowering Adolescents: Amplifying Student Voice and Choice Through Movement in Every Classroom | Zesiger, Kortney | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Empowering Young Voices: Build Your Middle School Toolkit for Civil Discourse | Alter, Elyse | Panel Session |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Examining History—A Nation Divided from a Social Justice Project-Based Learning Experience | McGuire, Margit E. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Making the Most of Your First 5 Minutes | Miglin, Katie | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Rubric Building 2.0:Put the Power of Learning into the Hands of Students | Retzlaff, Steve | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Table Top! Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Games that Your Students will Actually Like | Zakreski, Matthew J. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Teacher Leader | Tips & Tricks for Small Group Instruction in Middle School ELA Classrooms | Mixter, Adriana | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Tools for Helping Students Connect Passion to Purpose Within the Curriculum | Valenzuela, Jorge | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | You Can’t Have “Experiential” Learning without Experience!! | Marvin, Stacie A. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Climate Action Collaborative | Kabolizadeh, Mahsa | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Engage, Connect, and Inspire: A Learning Commons for Middle Grades | Doonan, Jennifer | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Leveraging AI to Enhance Middle School Teaching and Learning | Clarke, Katie | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | “Bloom” Where You’re Planted: Cultivating a Thriving Tech-Centered Classroom | Var, Amy | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Best Voice Forward: Students as Active Decision Makers | Wright, Alyson L. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | Debunk the Junk: Engaging Middle School Students in Uncovering Media Misinformation | McNelly, Tracy | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Do Less, Teach Better: Five Sustainable Shifts in Instruction that Build Learner Agency | France, Paul E. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | | Engage, Empower, Exceed | Isseks, Marc | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Exploring Science: Enhancing Learning through Place-Based Education | Jackson, Kassandra | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Interactive Energy Literacy for Middle School Students | Swan, Kimberly | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Math and Science Integration through Data Visualization | Swanson, Karen | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | | Motivation Mosaic: Cultivating Engagement, Self-Discipline, and Efficacy in our Students | Wormeli, Rick | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Our Visual World: How Visual Literacy Can (and Should!) Transcend the Art Classroom | Brickner, Katie | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Scaled Drawings Reflecting our Community | Reingold, Kimberly | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Teacher Leader | Staging Success: Utilizing Theatre Arts to Engage Middle School students | Palese, Wendy | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Up, Off, and Away: Student Travel Goes Global | McLaughlin, Michael C. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | What’s Up with This Kid…or teacher…or administrator…or parent? | Hammond, Mike | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | The Collaborative Classroom: Getting students to work together | Adams, Brianne | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Brain Breaks: Bringing Focus Back to the Tasks at Hand | Anderson, Julie | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Building Bridges: Cultivating Civil Dialogue after a Polarizing Election | Carey, Allan | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | From Transactional to Relational: Building Authentic Connections with Students | Murphy, Will W. | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Leading for Efficacy: Cultivating Student Self-Efficacy through Leadership | Roop, Bonnie | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Blending Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Project-Based Exploration with Robotics | Casler-Failing, Shelli L. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Bringing Real Life to the Classroom: Career and Technical Education Classes in Middle School | Russell, Mallory | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | | Chronic Absence Solutions: Schoolwide and Individual Approaches | Sprick, Jessica | Speed Learning |
11/07 | | Cruising into Middle School Math | Crook, LaNell | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Disrupting Disengagement: Powerful Strategies to Increase Engagement of Middle Schoolers | Clayton, William D. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Teacher Leader | Elevating Middle Level Student Voice with NASSP’s Raising Student Voice and Participation (RSVP) | Taylor, Jordana | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | Engaging with Primary Sources from the Library of Congress | Roskin, Celia | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Igniting Passion for Service: Leveraging In-School Opportunities and Planning the Community Project | Pewee-Childs, Constance | Speed Learning |
11/07 | | Inquiry: Using this human superpower to energize adolescent learners | Laufenberg, Diana | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | MATH Centers - Promoting Discourse and Collaboration | Einiger, Jamie L. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Nurturing Joy, Building Dendrites: Power of PBL For Middle Grades and Future Educators | Keiser, Megan | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | Poetic Pitfalls, Tragedies and Triumphs | Herman, Tom | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Teach Smarter, Not Harder: Invest In Life Skills | Grau, Emily D. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Teaching Media Literacy through Constructive Controversies | Lega, Tyler J. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | Practical Action Research | Stefanski, Heather E. | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Growing a Sustainable Farm-to-School Program through Purposeful Collaboration and PD | Thompson, Kathy | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | SPARC: Student Projects Advancing Real Change (Leading an Innovative Education Program) | Clement, Julie | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Taking Risks in Math: 3 Tips to Support Questioning and Creativity in the Math Classroom | Bricker, Emily | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | Why Aren't My Students Paying Attention? | Jelks, Craig | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | “Can We Build Them? – Yes, We Can!”Increasing Interest in Vocational Skills in the middle school. | Getchell, David J. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | From Play to Proficiency: Utilizing Deliberate Play in K-5 Mathematics | Gibson, Mark A. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Fun FACTs for Formative Assessment | Schwartze, Michelle | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Keeping Literature Circles "Lit" with Student Agency | Oats, Christina L. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Teacher Leader | Making Meaning with Middle Schoolers in the Museum: Designing Museum Based Projects | Tuchman, Rebecca | Speed Learning |
11/07 | | Meaningful Grammar: The Language of Writing | Burnette, Dawn | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Small Group Instruction: A Tool to Promote Equity in the Middle School Classroom | Williams, Kimberly G. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Tracking Understanding of Text with Annotations in ELA and Across Content Areas | Dulaney, Kristin | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | War, What is it Good For? Building Math Fact Fluency Through War and Other Favorite Games | Swartz, Barbara | Speed Learning |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | “PJFMS Gallery of Student Creation” | Morrill, Ken R. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Early Career Educators | “Teach Like A Time Pirate” | Morrill, Ken R. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | A Problem-Solving Approach with Multiple Mathematical Perspectives | Fetterly, James | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Arts Integration First Steps: Initiate, Collaborate, Activate! | Crawford, Veronica | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Bridging Success: Navagating International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBM | Brickner, Elizabeth A. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | | Building Stronger Readers | Holbrook, Judith | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Constructing Rectangles and Categorizing Numbers | Fetterly, James | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Create Student-Led Assessment to Promote Agency and Achievement | Sackstein, Starr M. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Creating a Rhetorically Enriched Classroom Through the Use of Student-Initiated Norms | Hardin, Angela | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Creating Equitable Classroom Practices using a Restorative Mindset | Morgott, Kelly | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Cultivating Authentic Interest in Social Studies | Broyhill, Amie | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Developing Confident Writers (While Also Combatting AI Plagiarism!) | Burnette, Dawn | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Enriching the Middle School Mind: One School's Approach to Offering Developmen | Morris, Carolyn M. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Establishing a School and Community Service-Learning Program | Babusci, Anthony | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Ethical Debate: Big Questions, Diverse Thoughts | Maskin, Wendy J. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Flight Path to STEAM Success: Integrating Drones into Middle School Education | Crawford, Amy | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Early Career Educators | G.R.E.A.T. Teaching Strategies Begin at the Door and Can Happen in Every Class and Every Subject. | Getchell, David J. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Gamifying Advisory: Implementing Student Badging for Enhanced Engagement | Rexhausen, Tiffany | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | How Do I Cultivate a Culture of Continuous Learning and Growth?: Instructional Co | Copeland, Tiffany J. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Early Career Educators | Librarian + Classroom Teacher = Edu-tainment: The Dynamic Duo Tag Teaming Education | Fernandez, Cathy | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Making Math Relevant with High Engagement | Kuntzman, Kathleen | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Early Career Educators | Micro-Learning to Macro Results: How Four Simple Questions Can Lead to More Confident Writers | Acholonu, Jessica | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | No Mistakes, Just Happy Sketchnotes: Let’s Bob Ross Our Learning | Carter, Nichole | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | | Positive Behavioral Intervention & Supports - Achieving Tier I Fidelity | Fraser, Jenna | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Early Career Educators | Prosocial and Active Learning (PAL) Classrooms: Using Engagement to Grow Kindness | Anderson, Haylee D. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Social Studies Through Engaging Arts Lessons That Give Students Room for Expression | Todd, Jerri | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Stacking Cups to Simulate Conceptual Understanding: A Mathematical Activity | Fetterly, James | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | STEM with a PLOT TWIST: Infusion of STEM and ELA | Farmer, Laura | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Structured Collaboration: A Path to Building Equitable and Confident Classroom Communities | Covino, Ralph | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Students Learning Life Skills through collaborative thinking and teamwork | Weiss, Jason M. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | | The Academic Benefits of Reflection Journaling | Bouton, Bobette | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | The Authentic Playbook: Real Kids. Real World Work. | Tomlin, Allison | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | The Science of Engagement: MySciLife in Action | Bower, Kevin M. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | | Turn Your Classroom into a Museum by Using Object-Based Learning and Mini Museum Posters | King, Christine | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Unlocking Proficiency: Tier 1 Mastery through EdTech | Young, Cherelle | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | | Unlocking Understanding: Activities to Foster Content Connections | Aichele, Alice | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Early Career Educators | Using Images and Captions to Communicate Ideas: The Annotated Photo Journal | Bartenstein, Leigh F. | Snapshot Poster Session |