11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Joy By Design: Cultivating a culture of Educator WellBeing all Year Round | Ellison, Akilah | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/07 | The Teacher Leader | Bullet Journaling for Teaching: Keeping Up With the Kardashians | Carter, Nichole | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Does school have to be this stressful? Best practices to support student well-being | Vatterott, Cathy J. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Empowering Adolescents: Amplifying Student Voice and Choice Through Movement in Every Classroom | Zesiger, Kortney | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | EQ Boost: Easy ways to Boost Emotional Intelligence | O'Shea, Miles K. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Make Each Day Count: Working Together to Support School Attendance and Mental Health | Graf, Karen | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Table Top! Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Games that Your Students will Actually Like | Zakreski, Matthew J. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Understanding Trauma and Addressing its Impact on the Young Adolescent | Mee, Molly | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Partnerships for Community-Based Youth Prevention at the Intersection of Substance Use and Menta | DuPont, Caroline | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Adult Relational Practices to Support Behaviors - SERVE Model | Pastor, Kat | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Cultivating an SEL-Informed Learning Classroom for Future-Ready Students | Sawicki, Jabali | Panel Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Growing a Sustainable Farm-to-School Program through Purposeful Collaboration and PD | Thompson, Kathy | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Mental Health & Well-Being: Supporting Students to Create a Safer K-12 Community | Burton, Lindsay | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Ready to ACE Gen Z/Gen A? | Culver, Christopher S. | Speed Learning |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Mindfulness in the Middle School Classroom | Columbia Embury, Dusty | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Screenagers Under the Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age Showing | Tabb, Lisa | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Strategies for Supporting Students in Poverty: Bridging Counselors and Administrators | Baxter, Emily | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | Early Career Educators | Weekly wellness to support early career teacher success | Tucker-Whitaker, Nicole | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Why I joined a gang: Understanding the need for love from the voice of a 13 year old. | Mee, Molly | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | | Sowing the Seeds of Self-Awareness in Our Classroom Garden | Chlebowski, Joshua | Speed Learning |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | The Importance of Student-Teacher Relationships: Meeting the Emotional Needs of Students | Henderson, Lori | Speed Learning |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | How to Create a Successful Wellness Day for your School Community | O'Niell, Kelly | Speed Learning |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | The Status, Health, and Well-Being of Young Adolescents | Mertens, Steven B. | Concurrent Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | A roadmap to improve student attendance, quickly and effectively! | Retzlaff, Steve | Spark & Tell |
11/09 | The Changing Young Adolescent | "How can I help?” - The BIRDS Model for Managing Anxiety in the Classroom | Smith, Brynn A. | Speed Learning |
11/09 | The Teacher Leader | In the Educator Trenches? Find Your Way Out! | Goodier, Dana | Speed Learning |
11/09 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Nurturing Emotions: Implementing Mindfulness and Guided Mediation in Middle Schools | Benson, Michelle | Speed Learning |
11/09 | The Teacher Leader | The Power of Fun | Harrington, Kathleen | Speed Learning |
11/09 | The Teacher Leader | Recharge Your Batteries: A Spark of Self-Care for Middle School Educators | Winfrey, LaTonya N. | Speed Learning |