11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | African American History, Culture, and Art: An Interdisciplinary Unit | Gillian, Isaiah R. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | EQ Boost: Easy ways to Boost Emotional Intelligence | O'Shea, Miles K. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | From TikTok to Tasks: Boosting Executive Functioning in the Classroom | Carter, Nichole | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Partnerships for Community-Based Youth Prevention at the Intersection of Substance Use and Menta | DuPont, Caroline | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Redefining Learning: How Learning Lab Supports Middle School Executive Functioning Growth | Okrah, Anna | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | You Can't Read a Book and Run from a Lion at the Same Time | 'The Connection Coach', Tara B. | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Teaching Neurodiversity Across the Curriculum | Crema, Challis | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | Leading from the Middle | Every Student Seen & Heard | Capes-Flanders, Bonnie | Spark & Tell |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | "Mastering Rhetoric: Analyzing Commercials in Middle School English to Improve Persuasive Writing | Ford, Stephanie | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Addressing ADHD Academic Challenges: Written Expression & Executive Function | Spoon, Greg | Concurrent Session |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | New Horizons: Navigating Your First Years in Teaching | Patterson, Tammie T. | Speed Learning |
11/07 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Parent University: Creating Middle School Transition Groups for Parents | Main-Wegielnik, Suzanne | Speed Learning |
11/07 | Early Career Educators | What's Going On In YOUR Brain? How Transparency and Reflection Can Impact Students | Tripp, Lisa | Spark & Tell |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Community Circles for Belonging | Hallberg, Becky | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Embracing Metacognition Moments in Middle School Classrooms to Build Student Motivation | Miller, Kendra D. | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | No Mistakes, Just Happy Sketchnotes: Let’s Bob Ross Our Learning | Carter, Nichole | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Screenagers Under the Influence: Addressing Vaping, Drugs, and Alcohol in the Digital Age Showing | Tabb, Lisa | Snapshot Poster Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Middle School Empowerment: Teaching SEL Topics to Positively Impact School Culture | Soler, Keira | Spark & Tell |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Stories, Dialogue, and the Middle Schooler | Harris, Sarah | Panel Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Trauma and the Middle School Brain Impacts and Instructional Strategies | Robertson, Cheryl A. | Concurrent Session |
11/08 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Relationships are Destiny: A Systems Approach to improving Academic Rigor and Human Relationships | Pendergrast, Mackey | Spark & Tell |
11/08 | | Happy Minds, Happy Learners: Boosting Brain Chemicals in the Classroom | Wachs, Jennifer | Speed Learning |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | Timing is Everything: How to Sync Your Teaching to the Brain’s Rhythm | Leonard, Debbie | Concurrent Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Don’t Be Quiet: Getting Our Adolescent Students Talking Again | Yeigh, Maika J. | Spark & Tell |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Fostering Community, Understanding, and Growth Through Civil Dialogue | Harris, Sarah | Concurrent Session |
11/08 | The Changing Young Adolescent | The Mysteries of the Adolescent Brain: Understanding Development and How That Impacts Your Classroom | Tripp, Lisa | Concurrent Session |
11/08 | Leading from the Middle | A roadmap to improve student attendance, quickly and effectively! | Retzlaff, Steve | Spark & Tell |
11/09 | The Changing Young Adolescent | "How can I help?” - The BIRDS Model for Managing Anxiety in the Classroom | Smith, Brynn A. | Speed Learning |
11/09 | Equity in Middle Grades Education | Teaching Social Justice Through Arts Integration | King, Shauna F. | Speed Learning |
11/09 | The Teacher Leader | The Power of Fun | Harrington, Kathleen | Speed Learning |
11/09 | The Changing Young Adolescent | Respectful Foundational Skills Instruction for Adolescent Learners | Schaper, Elizabeth A. | Speed Learning |